The E3 has Announced the 9 biggest games. E3 has a seminar to the announcement of games, PlayStations, Xbox, Nintendo, and more. So the E3 2021 has an announced the 9 biggest game for mobile, pc, Xbox, PlayStations. Every year the E3 announcement the new games, But this year the COVID pandemic, the E3 announced only 9 games. All 9 game list here:-
- Guardians of The Galaxy
- Hitman Sniper: The Shadows
- Life Is Strange Remastered
- Black Panther – War For Wakanda
- Life Is Strange: True Colors
- Final Fantasy 7: The Fist Soldier
- Babyon’s Fall
- Nier Reincarnation
- Stranger Of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin
E3 2021 Games:-
1 – Guardians of The Galaxy:-
2 – Hitman Sniper: The Shadows:-
The Hitman service about the Accession the targets.This game a famous franchise Hitman. The Hitman games are base on the Accession of criminals. We all see the gameplay of the Hitman games. Some games available on mobile like Hitman sniper, Hitman go. The Hitman Sniper: The Shadows are a Mobile game, This is a free-to-play game. So this game available very soon in Google Playstore.
3 – Life is Strange Remastered:-
4 – Black Panther – War For Wakanda:-
5 – Life Is Strange: True Colors:-
Life is Strange gameplay trailer shows Protigonists power and consequences. This game are the famous series The Life Is Strange part. This game are the graphic adventure video game, they developed by Deck Nine,published by Square Enix’s European subsidiary. This game are available in PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4,Xbox in September 10,2021.
6 – Final Fantasy 7: The Fist Soldier:-
Final Fantasy 7 is a next part of the Final Fantasy series. This is a Third person mobile game. This game are the Action game, and fight with many bosses. This game was a battle royale game.
7 – Babyon’s Fall:-
Babyon’s Fall are the Third person action game.Players are tackling challenging dungeons in an attempt to scale the titular tower. And players was finishing the mission to help each other. This game avlible in Playstation 5, Pc, Xbox.