Genshin Impact Bouncing Blobby Slimes web event to clam free Primogems

Genshin Impact has launched a web event called “Bouncing Blobby Slimes”.  During this event, players get 120 free primogems. The bouncing Blobby Slimes event will end on 10th July, so players claim the free primogems. The following article will guide you on how to get primogems faster.     Bouncing Blobby Slimes web event to clam 120…

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Genshin Impact 3.0 banner schedule leaks: Tighnari, Collei, and Dori

Recent Genshin Impact 3.0 leaks provide a banner schedule for upcoming characters. Those leaks provide  Tighnari, Collei, and Dori release date details.  Genshin Impact 3.0 leaks revealed character’s banner schedule Genshin 3.0 leaks // Description and skills of 3.0 characters! Tighnari, Lead Ranger of the Dawson Rainforest 🌿Collei, Forest Ranger-in-training 🏹Dori, travelling merchant ⛰…

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Genshin Impact 2.7 banner schedule: Arataki Itto, and 4-star weapons and 5-star weapon announced

Genshin Impact banner schedule:- Arataki Itto  Genshin Impact 2.7 phase 2 is coming soon, and the developer released almost all the details. The details like the next character, and weapon banner. The Arataki itto and his signature weapon Redhorn Stonethresher come back in-game. This article will include Genshin Impact 2.7 banner schedule.  Genshin Impact 2.7…

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Genshin Impact Sumeru leaks reveal Nilou’s element type and appearance

Nilou’s element type and appearance(image via Genshin Impact)  Genshin Impact’s new Sumeru leak revealed more information regarding the Nilou. These leaks suggested the Nilou element type and her appearance date. There is not any screenshot and gameplay comes here, but these leaks are suffering on Twitter. Also, another female character leaked, but her name is…

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