Soul Mortal sensitivity, BGMI ID, layout codes, all details

Soul Mortal sensitivity, BGMI ID, layout codes, all details
 Soul Mortal is one of the most popular people in Battleground Mobile India(BGMI). All BGMI fans know who is Soul Mortal. The fans are following the mortal in social media or in-game(BMI). All fans know about the Soul Mortal game settings and sensitivity. This is manny fans use this sensitivity. and they are fil they play like Mortal. So this article we see all BGMI sensitivity about Soul Mortal.

Soul Mortal sensitivity, BGMI ID, layout codes:-

Naman Mathur is a professional Battleground Mobile India Esport player. They represent the Soul, and Mortal win many competitions worldwide. The Mortal win PMIS 2019 and Pubg Mobile Club Open. SO players get more information about the Mortal.

Mortal BGMI ID / Stats:-

Mortal BGMI ID  Stats
Image via Mortal BGMI Id
Mortal BGMI is 590211476 and the current stats of the Mortal is a 3.86 FD ratio. It means Mortal Finish minimum 4 players in-game. So they maintain his FD ratio, and this is so good. The Mortal current Diamond 2, And these are famous for the DP28. The reader can see the Mortal BGMI id.

Mortal control code:-

Mortal is a 4 finger player, and they have revised this control code in Livestream, So you can see the MOrtal Control code:  6974-6239-1907-3395-486

BGMI layout code of Mortal

Mortal sensitivity code:-

Mortal uses the Gyroscope in-game, so you can use this code then set it always on the gyro. Mortal BGMI sensitivity code: 6974-6239-1907-3395-483

BGMI sensitivity code of Mortal

Also, players set the manual sensitivity 

Camera Sensitivity:

  • Camera (free look): 100%
  • 1st Person Camera: 70%
  • 3rd Person No Scope: 100%
  • 1st Person No Scope: 88%
  • Red dot, Holo, Aim Assist: 50%
  • 2x Scope: 30%
  • 3x Scope, Win94: 22%
  • 4x Scope, VSS: 14%
  • 6x Scope: 12%
  • 8x Scope: 10%
  • TPP Aim: 40%
  • FPP Aim: 40%

ADS Sensitivity:

  • 3rd Person No Scope: 100%
  • 1st Person No Scope: 88%
  • Red dot, Holo, Aim Assist: 1%
  • 2x Scope: 1%
  • 3x Scope, Win94: 1%
  • 4x Scope, VSS: 1%
  • 6x Scope: 12%
  • 8x Scope: 10%
  • TPP Aim: 1%
  • FPP Aim: 1%

Gyroscope Sensitivity:

  • 3rd Person No Scope: 300%
  • 1st Person No Scope: 300%
  • Red dot, Holo, Aim Assist: 300%
  • 2x Scope: 300%
  • 3x Scope, Win94: 251%
  • 4x Scope, VSS: 160%
  • 6x Scope: 110%
  • 8x Scope: 59%
  • TPP Aim: 30%
  • FPP Aim: 20%

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